Appointments and Fees

Once the service is fully established later this year you won’t need an appointment. However, initially you may wish to contact the Head to Health phone line on 1800 595 212 to access the service.

Yes, all Medicare Mental Health Centres services are free.

If we think you will benefit from the support of another provider, we will work with you to find an appropriate service in your area. This may include other free or low-cost services.

No. You don’t need a Medicare card to access Medicare Mental Health Centre services.

Services and supports

Medicare Mental Health Centres provide free, immediate, short and medium-term care. The centres will help connect you to the most appropriate services for your ongoing needs. This may be support offered from one or more services, depending on what’s best for you.

When you arrive at a Medicare Mental Health Centre, a trained professional will talk to you to understand your immediate needs.

Medicare Mental Health Centres offer immediate, short and medium-term care, and will help connect you to the most appropriate services for your ongoing needs.

Staff will talk with you about your concerns and goals to identify the support you need. This may involve receiving mental health care through a Medicare Mental Health Centre or connecting you to other services and supports available in your area.

Medicare Mental Health Centres are not intended to duplicate existing services or provide long-term care. If you need long-term care, the Medicare Mental Health Centre will help you find and connect to the support you need

No, Medicare Mental Health Centres offer immediate, short and medium-term care (typically up to 3 months) and will help connect you to the most appropriate services for your ongoing needs

Referrals and Mental Health Care plans

You don’t need a referral, appointment, or Medicare card to access Medicare Mental Health Centres’ free services.

If we think a mental health treatment plan would be helpful, then we can discuss it with your GP, with your consent.

You or your referring provider can call Head to Health on 1800 595 212 for advice and a referral to the most appropriate service. This may be a referral into a Medicare Mental Health Centre, or another suitable service.

No. Treatment provided through Medicare Mental Health Centres is separate to your mental health treatment plan available under the Medicare Benefits Schedule.

If you have a mental health treatment plan, we will make sure the care you receive works well with your current care plan.

Sharing my information with other providers

We can share all or parts of any advice and plans with your GP or other health care providers, but only with your consent.

We will encourage you to discuss our advice and support with your GP or other health care providers. If you prefer not to have this information shared with your current health providers that is fine as well.

No, Medicare Mental Health Centres are treatment focused and cannot provide these reports.