The importance of advocacy

Advocacy provides a voice for those who are struggling to be heard. It involves research, public education, influencing change (known as lobbying) through policies and laws, and promoting issues that are important to an individual, group, or section of the community.

In life, sadly, some groups are misunderstood, unheard or indirectly discriminated against. There are dominant groups in society that create a power imbalance that often overpowers marginalised groups. Advocates act on behalf of these groups and make sure they can access the right information and services.

What Wellways is standing up for

Wellways seeks positive change in laws, policies, social norm and behaviours through policy and advocacy which changes systems. We identify barriers faced by those with a lived experience of mental health or disability, their families and carers which are forgotten or misunderstood by decision makers and provide innovative, community focused policy solutions. We work to advance equality and social justice, and to support the building of inclusive communities.

Our policy positions

Our advocacy team is responsible for developing insights and leading advocacy activities across a range of critical areas of social and economic policy. The team is focused on the contemporary challenges facing people with a lived experience of mental health issues, people with disability, their families, and carers. In particular, the social determinants of poverty and disadvantage, housing and homelessness, and the challenges of psychosocial disability and wellbeing.

We aim to influence positive system changes through the development of innovative policy solutions, policy submissions and recommendations, and collaborations with government and our sector partners, informed by the voices of lived experience and developed through applying the principles of co-production.

Wellways Modern Slavery Statement 123

Our statement on modern slavery outlines how we have performed in our response to addressing modern slavery, and how we intend to focus on it in the future.
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happy older woman reading tales for her two beautiful granddaughters

Our commitment to the safety of children

As an organisation which works to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people, Wellways has an obligation to do the best it can to keep children safe from harm and abuse.
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Advocacy News

A person with long brown hair, wearing glasses, smiling in front of a wall covered in green ferns.
Breaking barriers, building understanding
On International Day of People with Disability, I’m sharing my lived experience to challenge misconceptions, highlight the power of advocacy, and explore how we can create a more inclusive future.
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Portrait of Claire Conlon in front of a colourful painting
Our Minds, Our Rights.
As a health professional working in the mental health world, had I just crossed the chasm from ‘professional’ to ‘patient?’ A highly functioning contributing member of society, capitulating to an existence in survival mode.
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Wellways supports ‘Not before Time’ report on systems harms
Under the leadership of mental health and human rights advocate Simon Katterl, a report was submitted to the government in February 2023 with the support of a diverse reference group.
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