We will deliver excellent services in every interaction we have. Our services are led by lived experience, follow our vision, driven by our purpose, and guided by our values.
Our partnerships will be intentional and in the spirit of shared learnings. Together, we will create a better service experience. Data will show that our services are effective and that every person has an experience that is right for them.
Our services are person-led, safe, creative, and informed by evidence. They connect people to their chosen communities and will have real-life impacts on people’s social, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
Wellways will deliver a personal and valued service experience by:
- Deeply embedding lived experience leadership
- Listening to the people who use our services
- Co-producing new services and programs
- Learning more from partnerships
- Becoming smarter through business intelligence
Continue exploring Our 4 Goals

Goal 2: A truly great place to work

Goal 3: Standing up for what we believe in
We commit to shared futures and work hard to dismantle entrenched power. We shine a light on injustice, inequity, stigmas, and vulnerability.

Goal 4: Ethical and sustainable growth
Guided by our purpose, we continue to grow and become an even stronger organisation that delivers more services to more people.