Being a Life in Community Volunteer

Volunteers support an individual for a maximum of three months. Focusing on identifying and developing ongoing social links and supporting a range of social inclusion activities, such as exploring different interests or hobbies, learning how to use the internet and social networking sites, joining social interest groups, and building confidence in getting to know their local area.

Volunteers are guided by the individual, by finding out what ‘community’ means to them and how they would like to participate. Volunteers are aware that everyone’s experience of belonging to community is different and they are respectful of this.

The LinC volunteer program operates across various Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC) facilities in Metropolitan Melbourne. It is beneficial for volunteers to have some community knowledge of the area they apply to volunteer in, enabling varied opportunities for community connection.

Register your interest

If you’re interested in volunteering with Wellways and would like to know more, register your interest by completing this form and we will get back to you.

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