It was the innovative training program ‘Sustainable Tenancies Training package’ that won the judges vote and the team were awarded for their preventative work to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people.

Haley Bowman submitted the nomination based on recognising the intersection between psychosocial recovery and participants requiring but often lacking a safe and secure home. The significant collaboration between the Sustainable Tenancies team and Psychosocial Support team played another important role in the nomination.

The Sustainable Tenancies Training program allows psychosocial support services to identify and address homelessness in their participants, while simultaneously supporting their mental health recovery.

Delivered by Wellways, the Sustainable Tenancies Training package is for anyone working in the housing and homelessness sector, psychosocial or recovery-oriented support programs and tenancy management.

Trainees are supported to practice using evidence-based and best-practice frameworks that create sustainable tenancies.

If you’d like to learn more about the training package or how Wellways can support your work in housing, homeless and psychosocial support, you can access more resources below.

A man and his dog unpack boxes in a bedroom

Sustainable Tenancies

A training program suitable for anyone working in the housing and homelessness sector, psychosocial or recovery-oriented support programs and tenancy management.
Find out more

We must congratulate the teams on their inspiring combined work to address the housing instability barrier that often exists among people who experience psychosocial issues.

Well done to all those involved in this important work that tackles service gaps and delivers innovative service responses in Gippsland.