Identifying a carer

There are 2.65 million carers in Australia.

A carer is anyone who looks after a family member or friend who has a disability, mental health condition, chronic health condition, terminal illness, drug or alcohol dependency or is frail aged. Carers help with daily tasks such as emotional support, personal and household care, administering medicine and running errands.

Some carers provide care all the time, while some only provide care occasionally. Some carers, particularly young carers (under 25 years), may share their caring responsibilities with a family member or another person close to them.

Many people don’t see themselves as a carer – just a mum, dad, sister, son, spouse or friend – but anybody can be a carer at any time, and any age.

No matter what a carer’s circumstance, support is available.

1 in every 8 people provide unpaid care to a friend or family member and 79% of these carers do not see themselves as carers.

Free carer support services

Carer Gateway is a national support service funded by the Australian Government providing free services for carers of all ages.

Wellways delivers Carer Gateway services throughout Queensland and the New South Wales regions of South West Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains.

Carer Gateway services are designed for carers, by carers to help build skills and reduce strain ensuring they are in the best emotional space for their important caring role.

Services include counselling, support groups, coaching, respite care, planning and practical advice.

Carer Gateway

Supporting carers with their own wellbeing to ensure they are in the best place to care for their loved one.
Find out more

Multilingual Carer services

Our multilingual carer services deliver services in languages other than English.

Two older women sitting in a park with a large tree in the background

Multilingual Carer Services

Meet other carers from your community and talk with someone who understands you and your cultural background.
Find out more

How to refer a carer in your care

As a trusted healthcare provider, you interact with carers on a daily basis. You can help them to identify as a carer and connect them with these vital services.

Early intervention is key

Unpaid carers are lonelier, in poorer physical and mental health and less likely to be employed compared to the average Australian. They are more likely to experience financial strain, social isolation and gaps in education and employment.

Carers usually only access support services when they are at crisis point, many don’t know they are a carer, many don’t know services exist to support them. Finding ‘hidden carers’ and informing them that support is available can help them seek support and prevent them from reaching crisis.

Contact us

Our Carer Gateway QLD and NSW teams are available 6am-10pm, 7 days a week.

To speak with one of our team members and for 24/7 emergency care respite, call 1800 422 737.

Carer Gateway general enquiries

For general enquiries about Carer Gateway services, complete this form and one of our friendly Carer Gateway team members will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Lived Experience

Translation services and resources

If you are more comfortable having a conversation in a language other than English, you can use the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS).

TIS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is accessible from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call on 131 450. TIS can translate in more than 150 languages.

Further translated resources are available via the Carer Gateway Website.

Our service delivery partners

Wellways provides Carer Gateway services in Queensland and the New South Wales regions of South West Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains with its consortia partners:

Carer Gateway and Wellways Logos

Carer Gateway is a national service funded by the Australian Government.