Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Toolkit
The Arabic speaking community face substantial barriers to mental health service engagement. This Toolkit was developed as a resource informed by Wellways, providing organisations with a guide to engaging Arabic speaking communities within mental health services and reduce barriers to service access.
Toolkit Guides
Chapters from the Toolkit that you can use as stand-alone resources.

Culturally Accommodating and Safe Interface Framework
This Culturally Accommodating and Safe Interface framework identifies ten essential values that define what a CASI would encompass for an Arabic speaking person.

Engaging Arabic Speaking Communities Marketing Guide
A guide for organisations implementing marketing campaigns and community outreach with the aim to connect with Arabic speaking communities.

The Social Integration and Cultural Affiliation Scale Questionnaire
A questionnaire tool that assists mental health workers who are supporting Arabic speaking clients to understand the extent of a client’s social integration and level of cultural affiliation.

Partnerships with Arabic Speaking Stakeholders Guide
Partnerships are an important part of building the rapport of an organisation within the community they are serving, and a powerful communications tool.

Service Provision Recommendations
This guide looks at the steps your organisation can take to ensure the services you provide reflect the needs of the Arabic speaking communities you seek to work with.